Friday, December 30, 2011

Waho Waho Gobind Singh Aape Gur Chela

Waho! Waho! Wonderous! Wonderous! Gobind Singh
He is the Guru and the disciple!

Har sachay takhat rachaa-iaa, sat sangat maylaa
The Lord created the throne of Truth,
which the Sat Sangat, the Holy congregation oversees.

Guru Nanak Nirbhau Nirankar, vich sidhaa(n) khaylaa
O Guru Nanak, the Lord is fearless and formless,
all play in the power of God.

Gur simar manaa-ee kaalkaa, khanday kee vaylaa
Remembering the Guru
we overcome the cycle of birth and death,
and so draw near to God.

Peev-ho paahul khandadhaar, hu-I janam suhaylaa
Now is the time to take up the sword!
Drink the Amrit strengthened by the sword,
and you shall be reborn.

Gur sangat keenee khalsaa, manmukhee duhaylaa
The Khalsa, the Pure Ones,
belong to the Guru’s Congregation.
Those who do not look
to the Guru’s teachings are far away.

Waho Waho Gobind Singh, aapay gur chayla
Waho! Waho! Wonderous! Wonderous! Gobind Singh
He is the Guru and the disciple!


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